Monday, June 5
Everyone tells Lizzie how wonderful she did on TV and Noah tells her that she needs to go to get some rest. Jim, Phillip and Harley go to get some dinner and Noah asks Lizzie some questions. Beth thanks Noah for his help and he says that he’ll do whatever he can to get Lizzie better. Lizzie asks Beth what will happen if they don’t find a donor and Edmund arrives and reassures Lizzie that won’t happen. Edmund sees that Lizzie still has the horse he gave her. She thinks it may be losing its powers but he assures her it isn't. Beth thinks it's time for Lizzie to rest and they go outside. Susan arrives to see Lizzie and brings a friend Jordy. He tells Lizzie that they have something in common because when he was her age he had leukemia too. Jordy tells Lizzie that he had to have a transplant too. He tells her that it only hurts a little and he gives her his power bracelet. He has to leave and he gives her his phone number and kisses her on the cheek. Lizzie thanks Susan and tells her that was cool. Meanwhile, Edmund tells Beth that Lizzie has a lot of courage. She says that this has to stop. She believes that their friendship has become more for him but he denies it. She doesn't like that he told her she was settling for Jim. She believes it would be best if they don't see each other anymore. She says that he knows about Phillip and asks him if he made copies of the tape. He tells her he didn't and has never hurt her with that. Beth says that she doesn't feel safe and they can't be around each other. Edmund questions whether she thinks he will betray her, or does she think she will betray herself. Beth thinks that Edmund has some hidden feelings and he admits that he has a strong connection to her. He says that it is because she never judged him and that she is just trying to return her kindness. He gets angry when she brings up the tape. Meanwhile, Harley, Phillip and David go to Company and talk about the show. Harley says that she hadn't known anything about bone marrow donation until now. She believes that donors will be lining up after they see Reva's show. Phillip just hopes one of them matches Lizzie. Harley asks Jim if he's okay with the baby being tested and he says that he was only worried about the amnio. He is okay now that Noah told him that they would take the bone marrow from the umbilical cord. Frank and David arrive and Harley tells Frank they need to talk more. She asks David to watch over him and he agrees. David asks Frank when Harley said Eleni was coming home. Frank tells him that he doesn't know because Eleni may never come back. Frank drinks and tells David about his wedding day to Eleni. He tells David everything they had to go to be together and he gets upset. David has to take him home but Frank would rather go to Harley’s than to an empty house. Jim, Phillip and Harley return to the hospital and Edmund leaves Beth. Harley gets a phone call from David and she leaves to go be with Frank. Jim offers to take her home while Phillip and Beth finish with the doctor. The doctor tells them that they found a match for Lizzie but it isn’t a perfect match. They are very happy and Edmund returns and tells them that he has been trying to tell Beth that he is the one that is the match.
Noah runs into Reva at the hospital and she is still upset about Lizzie. She says that she is tired and he offers to take her home. They arrive at her house and she comments on how the kids aren’t home tonight. He offers to take her up on her offer from the other day and she says that she shouldn’t have made it. He persists and they go inside. Reva gets a phone call that he show has brought in 200 people that have volunteered to be donors. They begin to get romantic and the phone rings again. It is the station telling Reva what a great response her show got. They begin to get romantic again and the phone rings again. Noah unplugs it.
Cassie and Richard wonder where Rob could have taken Tammy. A guard arrives and tells them a boat has been spotted with a man and a child on it. Richard orders him to capture the boat before it gets into international waters. Cassie reminds the guard to be careful because Tammy is on the boat and she doesn't know what Rob will do. Richard tries to reassure her that they will get Tammy back and thinks it's his fault for not making Richard tell him where they were going to have the picnic. Cassie thinks he had it all planned out and had a boat ready. She blames herself for trusting Rob but now knows he doesn't really care about Tammy at all. She thinks he's just using her to get what he wants. Richard believes Rob wants money and says he'll give it to him but Cassie thinks Rob wants revenge now. She tells him that Rob believed Cassie would leave Richard. She says she tried to tell him that their love was about more than money but he didn't believe her. Cassie says that when Rob realized she wasn't going anywhere with him, he must have taken Tammy to hurt her. Richard says that he made a mistake because Tammy belongs with Cassie and he'll move heaven and earth to get her back. They get a phone call and Richard tells her that there's been an accident. The phone rings again and it is Rob. He tells Richard that he is on his way to Springfield where he has some right and Cassie gets on the phone. She wants to know how Tammy is and she begs him to bring her back. He refuses and vows to use his rights once he is back in Springfield. Cassie hangs up and holds Richard.
Michelle can't believe Danny agreed to let Carmen come to the house. Danny reminds her that this is what they have to do if they want her out of their lives. Michelle understands but tells him she can't be in the same room with Carmen. Claire arrives and wants to know why the police are there. Danny tells her it's not a good time and Michelle asks her to take her out. They leave and Bill tells Danny that he can't blame Michelle for leaving after everything Carmen did to Michelle. Ray tells them that this is a night for forgiveness. Bill says he's there to make sure Carmen doesn't try to mess with Pilar. Carmen arrives and is happy to see her children. She tells Pilar that she's proud of her. Pilar says that this is her chance to start over and have a good life that she can be proud of. Carmen tells her that she wants her to be proud of her mother. Carmen asks Danny if she's doing the right thing and he says that she is doing what's best for everyone. Michelle and Claire go to Company and Michelle tells her what's going on back at the house. Claire can understand why she didn't want to be there. Theresa arrives and demands to talk to Michelle. She says she knows the police took Carmen somewhere and believes that Danny and Michelle are in on it. Michelle tries to tell her that she doesn't know anything about it. Theresa questions where Danny is and says she thinks Carmen is about to roll over on the other families. Michelle tells her she'll make sure and give Danny the message and Theresa leaves. Outside, she calls Carlos and tells him that Carmen has to be stopped permanently. Claire tells Michelle she thinks she should go back and be with Danny. She thinks Carmen might influence him. Michelle is reluctant but Claire says that she would be standing up to Carmen and showing her that she and the baby are Danny's family now. At the house, the Santos family prays together with Ray and Carmen asks God to take care of her children and grandchildren. Michelle and Claire arrive and Danny is happy to see her. Pilar and Ray welcome her and she tells Danny that she knew that she needed to be there for him. Claire offers the guards some coffee and Carmen tells Michelle that she is happy that she came. She asks Michelle to step outside with her and Michelle agrees. Danny asks Claire what she said to Michelle to get her to come back and she says that she told her to do it for him. Carmen tells Michelle that this couldn’t be a worse punishment and Michelle is sure that she will find a way to get out of leaving. Carmen says that she has accepted her fate and says that she has a gift for Michelle. She reaches into her purse and everyone hears a shot.
Tuesday, June 6
Marah meets Josh at Company and asks him if he saw Reva on TV. She goes on about how great she did and asks Josh if they can go by there on their way to his place. Josh agrees that Reva did well and says that they can stop by and congratulate her. At home, Reva and Noah begin to get romantic until Reva hears something at the door. It is Vanessa and she tells Reva how great her ratings were. She sees Noah and Reva introduces them. She tells Noah that his part of the interview was really good. Vanessa offers Reva a permanent time spot at the station and offers her a contract. Noah tries to rush Vanessa out but Blake, Selena, and Holly arrive. They all toast to Reva's show and she thanks them for coming by. Selena tells them that it was fun being producer for the day and Vanessa offers her the job of being Reva's assistant. Marah and Josh arrive and Marah tells Reva how great she did on TV. Reva invites Josh in and he tells her that this is her celebration. He tells her that he worries about her but that she did great today. He thinks she should take it slow with Noah because he doesn't trust the guy but she disagrees. He tells her that this is hard and she understands. Noah sees them talking and Reva tells him that she'll be inside in a minute. Holly offers Noah a spread in the Journal about the topic if he would like. Josh apologizes to Reva for butting in but she says that she wasn't easy on Olivia either. She kisses him on the cheek and surprises him. She says that she had a really good day and he can tell that she is happy. Marah heads out to the car and Josh and Reva agree that they can be friends. Josh leaves and Reva watches him go. Blake talks about how wonderful everyone's lives are right now and Reva sees Noah out. She apologizes for the interruption and he leaves. Selena sees Reva and asks her about Noah. Reva tells her that they are kind-of seeing each other and Selena brings up Josh. She says that it is strange being around Josh and not being with him but that she enjoys being with Noah right now. She says that he is really honest and that is refreshing. Outside, Noah makes a phone call and lies. He says that he was with a patient and not seeing anyone.
Edmund tells Phillip and Beth that he's the closest match to Lizzie. Phillip wants to know everyone who handled the test and Beth tells him they can question the doctor later. Edmund can't believe they both think he would use Lizzie. He tries to tell that he wants to help Lizzie but Phillip doesn't buy it. Phillip asks Beth to go check on Lizzie but she doesn't want to leave them alone. He assures her everything will be okay and she leaves. Phillip tells Edmund to cut the games and just tell him what he wants. He doesn't believe that Edmund would do this out of kindness. Edmund says that Phillip is the one who slept with his exwife and is lying to everyone he loves. Phillip asks again how much it's going to cost him to save his daughter's life and Edmund tells him that since he has such high expectations of him, he won't let Phillip down. He suggests Phillip liquidate all his assets because the price of doing business just went up. Beth comes back and Edmund gets a phone call. She tells Phillip to stop fighting with Edmund because this isn't going to help Lizzie. Phillip assures her that Edmund will help them, he just has to find out what Edmund wants. Beth goes to talk to Edmund and Phillip comments that Edmund will help them if he has to kill him to get the bone marrow. Beth tells Edmund that she doesn't have as much money as Phillip but she'll do whatever he wants. Edmund can't believe she thinks of him this way and dryly says he'll think of something.
Harley arrives home to find a drunken Frank. She starts drinking too and tells him that they are in this together. She gets drunk too and tells him that cheating in marriage is the worst. She tells him that she knows how he is feeling and that he has to let it out. He tells her that it is like someone rearranged his life and he doesn't recognize anything anymore. He tells her that she doesn't have all the answers and he reminds her of Mallet. He apologizes for bringing that up and she reminds him that is why she knows how he feels. He tells her that she proved everybody wrong about the way that they felt about Phillip because now they have a perfect marriage. She apologizes for pushing him to talk about this and offers her ear anytime. He thinks he is so stupid for letting Eleni drift so far away but Harley says that Eleni is the one that didn't talk to him about their problems. She tells him that this is not his fault because Eleni broke the trust. She says that is the beginning of the end when somebody breaks the trust. Frank says that every time he calls LA Eleni hands the phone to marina and he says that he can't look his wife in the eye and see that she doesn't love him anymore. Harley says that he will fight through this and make it. She reminds him of how he took care of her when they were kids and he passes out saying that he doesn't want to lose his daughter. Phillip arrives home and Harley says to him that if he ever cheats on her and breaks her heart that she will never forgive him. He can tell that she has been drinking and she says that if he ever hurt her like Eleni hurt Frank she wouldn't be responsible for her actions. Phillip tells her that Edmund maybe the donor for Lizzie and that he is using that as a bargaining chip. Harley assures him that even if Edmund doesn't do it she is sure that the baby will match. She tells Phillip that she trusts him more than anyone in the world.
Michelle asks Carmen how she plans to get out of this because she knows Carmen isn't going to leave them alone. Carmen tells her that she's seen the error of her ways and wants them to be happy. She wants to give Michelle a gift and reaches for something in her purse. Inside, Danny asks where Carmen went and hears a gunshot. Everyone rushes outside and finds Michelle and Carmen on the ground. Michelle is okay but Carmen has been shot. Claire tells them to take Michelle inside while she tends to Carmen. Pilar prays that Carmen won't die and Ray asks Michelle if she's okay. She tells him she is but notices that Danny isn't. Danny tells Carmen to hang on and she asks him if this is how he wanted to get rid of her. She asks if he set her up to die and he tries to tell her he'd never hurt her. Pilar begs her mother to be all right and Carmen tells them she just wanted to protect her family. Michelle tells Danny she saw Theresa earlier and he yells at her for not telling him before. Danny tells Carmen to keep fighting but Carmen asks for Ray to come. He begins to give her last rights but Danny stops him and tells him to get away. Carmen tells Danny to take care of the family but he doesn't want to listen. Carmen tells Michelle that she will always watch over her and the baby before she loses consciousness. Claire tells Danny and Pilar that she's sorry but Carmen is dead.
Wednesday, June 7
After an AA meeting, Billy thinks that Holly might be uncomfortable talking while he's at the meetings. He thinks she needs to open up so he offers not to go so she can. Holly is surprised at how well he understands her. She offers to take him to breakfast so they go to Towers. He offers her the seat that doesn't face the bar and she tells him that he even knows to do that. They talk about his past when he owned a bar and she asks how he handled the temptation. He says that he always remained sober then. She believes Billy was probably wild back then and he confirms it. He says he always paid his debts back then but she doesn't think his were worse than the fact that she terrorized children. Billy doesn't think anyone holds a grudge. Holly offers to take him to a concert and he accepts. Later, Billy calls Mindy and asks her about classical music so he can impress Holly.
Danny makes sure that Jimmy is keeping Michelle and Pilar protected and Jimmy leaves. Michelle asks what he was doing and he evades the question. She is worried about Danny and tells him that this was not his fault. Danny reminds her that Carmen died thinking that he set her up. Michelle tells him that Carmen loved him and he wants to change the subject. He says that he can't talk to her about this because she hated Carmen. Michelle wants to help him and he asks her why she didn't tell him about Theresa. She thinks that he is implying that she wanted his mother to get shot and she tells him that she would never do that to him. He asks her to forget what he said and she tells him that she wants to go to the service but he asks her to stay home. She hates that he is pushing her away. David arrives and quietly talks to Danny about the shooting. Michelle hears them and David tells her that it was a hit and that there could be more. Danny tries to throw him out but he tells Michelle that Danny could wear a wire and shut the other families down. Michelle is afraid that Danny will get killed but David offers to guarantee his safety. Danny refuses and David leaves. Michelle questions Danny about going after revenge and begs him not to try to protect her this way. She begs him to leave it alone but he says he can't let his mother's killer go after them too. She says that if he will just leave the others alone then they will be left alone too. She tells him that this doesn't have to be their lives and he says that he has to leave for the chapel. He says that this will be the last family business he will ever do. She offers to go with him but he wants her to stay home and rest. He leaves and finds white roses outside from Carlos. Michelle remembers Carmen's vow to watch over her and the baby.
At the farm, Cassie is anxious for Rob to arrive and find out where Tammy is. Richard tells her they have to remain calm when he gets there. Outside, Rob talk to a man he's paid to act like a lawyer. He tells him that Cassie and Richard have to believe he has a case and the man assures him he can convince them he's a lawyer. They walk in and Cassie wants to know what he told Tammy. He says he told her that Cassie wanted them to spend some quality time together. She gets angry and he threatens to take them to court. The lawyer explains that since they are still legally married, they share joint custody and Cassie kidnapped her by taking her out of the country. Richard brings out papers that reveal Rob's drug arrests and a woman in Alaska who claims to have a child by him. They all get upset and Richard threatens to use this in court. Cassie wants to know what Rob wants. He says that he wants two million dollars for every year they were married and then she can see Tammy again. Cassie can't believe it and Rob tells them that they are in the US and that's his turf now. Rob and the lawyer leave and Cassie tells Richard that he's in for a fight because Springfield is her home.
Beth cries in Lizzie's room and Lillian arrives. Lizzie is gone for tests and Beth is short with a nurse. Beth asks Lillian about Lizzie's chart and Lillian confirms that Lizzie is getting worse. Beth tells Lillian that Edmund wants Phillip to pay him to donate. She can't believe that she fell for Edmund's lies and Lillian thinks that Edmund was hanging around her a lot. She wonders why Edmund is doing this now but she reminds Beth that Edmund might not be the only match. Meanwhile, Vicky arrives to meet Phillip at the hospital and brings a list of all his holdings that he asked for. Phillip explains that he may have to liquidate some assets because the possible donor is Edmund. Edmund arrives and Vicky can't believe that he is doing this. She wants to call David because this is extortion. Phillip says that him going to jail will do no good so she should just go back to the office. She leaves and Edmund tells Phillip that he wants his car and position at Spaulding. Phillip shows him the list of holdings and tells him to take anything. Edmund doesn't want any of that and says that is nothing compared to the love of a child and Phillip tells him that he will never know that. Beth arrives and Phillip goes to get things set up for Edmund to get his requests. Edmund asks Beth if this surprises her and she asks him why he is doing this. He explains that he never did anything to her and never demanded any money from Phillip. He shows her a paper that he signed before he even talked to Phillip agreeing to donate his bone marrow to Lizzie. She asks him how he could have let her wonder about this but he tells her that Phillip did this. He tells her that he tried to tell Phillip that he didn't want any money but then she offered him a bribe so he gave up. She can't believe he would use Lizzie to hurt her. Lillian runs into Phillip and she has the test results for the baby's bone marrow. They find out that the baby is a perfect match for Lizzie.
Thursday, June 8
Reva and Selena talk about a possible upcoming show for Reva. Selena tries to pump her for information on Noah and Buzz interrupts them. Noah arrives and he and Reva go over to a table. Selena tells Buzz that they are hot together but he says that they aren’t as hot as they are. Noah tells Reva that she is beautiful and she doesn’t believe that he is being sincere. He says that he can’t win even when he tries to be serious and he kisses her good-morning. Reva jokes and calls him a gigolo but her reminds her that she is the one that wanted sex with no strings. He asks to go to her place and gets a page. He goes outside and Selena comes over to Reva and calls Noah hot. Reva says that Noah is just fun to be with and nothing serious. Outside, Noah makes a call and asks the person not to page him and promises to call back soon. He gets another call from the hospital and it is bad news for Lizzie. Inside, Buzz asks Frank to tell him what's bothering him. Frank says he can handle it but Buzz reminds him that he didn't handle it too well last night. Frank admits he got drunk but Harley was there for him and they worked through it. Buzz thinks they have a good relationship but doesn't know for sure since Frank won't tell him what's on his mind. Frank says that he's thinking about his marriage but doesn't think Buzz would understand anything about commitment and responsibility. Frank says that he's never walked away from anything in his life and isn't going to now. He tells Buzz that maybe he's the perfect person to give him advice on how to walk away. Outside, Buzz tells him that he isn't the same man he was back then. He says that he doesn't know why he left Frank but he's glad he's hear now. He tells him that he doesn't deserve someone else leaving him. Buzz tells him that he's not going to walk away this time and offers him his hand. Selena watches as Frank takes it and holds it close.
Edmund tells Beth that this is all Phillip’s fault for assuming that he wanted money. He tells her that he would never hurt Lizzie but he did want to hurt Phillip. He apologizes for hurting her too and Phillip arrives telling them that the baby is a perfect match. Edmund leaves. Phillip reassures Beth that Lizzie can wait until the baby is born because of the transfusions and he thinks that what happened on the plane with them was for a reason. Beth is very happy and tells him that she thinks they were a little hard on Edmund. Phillip doesn’t agree and she explains that he signed the form but Phillip doesn’t believe her. She wants to keep Edmund as a backup after the baby but Phillip tells her that Lizzie might not be strong enough for another transplant. Phillip tells Beth that they need concentrate on the baby being a perfect match for Lizzie. Beth understands but says she feels like there is so much new information constantly coming in and it's hard for her to process it all. Noah arrives and tells them that the transfusions aren't working as well as they hoped. Phillip says that the baby is a perfect match so they just need to wait until it's born. Noah tells them that could take weeks and they don't have the time. Noah says they only have days now. He suggests that they look to the next best match and Beth realizes that's Edmund. Phillip doesn't agree and tells them they have a perfect match with the baby. He reminds Noah that he told him that a second operation would be extremely risky if the first one didn't work. Beth agrees that the baby is the best way to go. Noah tells them that what he will suggest will be drastic and they need to talk to Jim. He says that he wants to induce labor and take the baby early. Beth asks if that will be dangerous and Noah tells her that's what they have to do.
Richard tries to get the money ready to pay Rob but Cassie just wants to hurt Rob. Richard tells her that she must act rationally and give in to his wishes to save Tammy. She wants to fight fire with fire. Richard is worried about Tammy and Cassie thinks she was an idiot to fall for Rob’s lies. She decides that if he is going to mess with her family then he can mess with her entire family. Reva goes to see Cassie and wants to know why she sounded so upset on the phone. Cassie explains that she is still married and that Rob took Tammy. Reva can't believe it and wants to know what Rob wants. Richard tells her how much money he's asking for and that he's prepared to give it to him. Reva asks Cassie if that's what she wants to do and Cassie tells her she wants Rob to pay. Reva says they have to come up with a plan and Richard asks her how good of an actress she is. She tells him she's damn good and asks what the plan is.
Edmund arrives at Towers and has a drink. Rob is there and confronts Edmund about how Richard tried to kill him. They drink together and Rob tells him that he has asked 18 million dollars for signing the papers. Edmund calls Richard a fool. Edmund tells Rob that he's going to jail. He believes Rob had a good thing going for him with the divorce papers but crossed the line when he took Tammy. He thinks Rob is scared and knows he's going to lose. Rob says that Edmund is jealous. He thinks he's raining on his parade because that's all he can do. He tells Edmund that if he ever needs any cash, call Rob's accountant because he's sure he'll need to write off some charitable cases. Later, Rob gets a phone call from Reva asking him to meet her. He declines but she tells him there's a million reasons she can think of for them to meet. He changes his mind and she tells him to meet her at her place.
Danny reads the note from Carlos and gets upset. He tells Michelle about it and she asks what it means. He explains that this is what the families do and vows that every one of them is going to pay. Claire watches him get angry and Michelle tells Danny that she is afraid for them. He says that he has to go make plans for the funeral and tells her to stay home and rest. He says that he’ll be home soon and leaves. Claire scares Michelle and offers her help to Michelle. Michelle reassures Claire that Danny is going to be fine and that he promised her that he wouldn’t get involved. Michelle tells Claire that Danny is very emotional and Claire says that she is just worried about her. Michelle reassures her that Danny wouldn’t jeopardize their lives because they have fought too long to be together. Michelle tells Claire how much it means to her that she's here. Claire says she doesn't have to thank her. Michelle thinks the whole mother/daughter thing is still awkward for both of them but Claire thinks they've made a step in the right direction. Michelle admits that she's missed having a mother around to talk to. She tells her she imagines talking to Maureen and having her give advice. Claire asks what she would ask Maureen if she was here now. Michelle says she would ask her why she feels like the worst isn't over and that something bad is going to happen to her husband and her family. Claire tries to comfort her and Michelle apologizes for getting upset. Claire says that it's natural since she's pregnant and scared of what her husband is capable of. Claire tells her she'd like to be friends and Michelle says she'd like that too. Claire thinks she should start taking better care of herself and the baby but Michelle can't relax until she finds Danny and leaves. Claire comments that her husband is going to have to go.
Pilar and Bill place flowers at Carmen’s picture and she gets very upset. Pilar tells him that Carmen was once a good mother. She tells him about how her mother would protect her at night when she was a little girl. Bill tells her that it is OK to miss her and Pilar breaks down. Danny arrives and hears Pilar singing to Carmen. Pilar asks if the police know who did this and he says no. Carlos and Theresa arrive and offer their condolences. Danny asks Carlos how he knows he didn't kill Carmen. Carlos says that Danny is still here and so is his wife. He thinks Danny knows that if he believed Carmen was going to turn over on the families, they wouldn't have stopped at Carmen. Carlos says the other families believe it and asks if he's still the head of the family. Danny tells him nothing has changed. Carlos wants Danny to join them to find out who killed Carmen but Danny says he doesn't need his help. Carlos says that if Danny leaves the family, Carlos will be the last of his worries. He asks him again if he's in or out. Michelle arrives and tells Danny to go ahead and tell him what he's going to do.
Friday, June 9
Richard and Cassie arrive at Company and he is worried about Reva's plan. Cassie is sure that Reva will get Tammy back and get Rob to sign the papers. He wonders if they should have just paid Rob off. Cassie reassures him that they will get Tammy back and get married. Cassie tells Richard that they have to go because they are almost on. Meanwhile, Rob arrives at Reva's and he thinks that she is bargaining for Cassie. He tells her that he has asked for 18 million dollars and she acts impressed. She begins to tell him that she got nothing when she divorced Richard and is jealous that he is getting so much from Cassie. She offers him her help in getting Richard and Cassie in exchange for 8 percent of his money. He questions her and she says that Cassie took her man. She explains that she is a single mother now and needs some cash. She tells him that she loves Tammy and wonders if he will want visitation. He says he wouldn't as long as he knew that she was well taken care of. She tells him that she can help him and he begins to believe her. He agrees to go along with her and he kisses her. Marah comes in and screams at Reva to stop. They argue and Reva drops her tape recorder in front of Rob. Rob realizes that this was all a set up and tries to get the tape recorder from Reva. Marah tries to protect her mother and Rob pushes them both down. Reva hits her head and is knocked unconscious. Marah calls an ambulance and the police and Cassie and Richard arrive. Rob tries to explain and apologize but Cassie is shocked to see what Rob is done. She tries to revive Reva but can't and tells Rob that this time he will pay. Rob tells Cassie that this is an accident and Marah goes outside to wait for the ambulance. Cassie tells Rob that he is going to jail and brings up that he took Tammy. He tells her that Tammy is in the Springfield Inn and Cassie tells him that he did this on purpose. He tells her that he'll sign the papers if she will just let him go and she agrees as long as she never sees him again. He promises to stay away from them forever and leaves. Reva gets up and they all celebrate their victory. Cassie shows Reva the signed divorce papers and Marah comes inside with the siren maker. Cassie invites Reva to meet them at Company after they pick up Tammy to celebrate.
Carlos offers to help Danny find out who killed his mother but Michelle wants him to say no. Danny asks her to stay out of it but she tells Carlos to leave them alone. She tells Danny to choose between them and her because he can't have both. Danny asks Carlos to leave because he can't think about anything but the funeral arrangements right now. Carlos agrees and tells him that all the families send their condolences. Michelle wants to know why Danny didn't give him an answer. He doesn't know what she wants from him and she tells him she wants him to say that losing her is more important than finding out who killed Carmen. She tells him that they are pushing him to join them again and he says the only one who is pushing him is her. The funeral director arrives with an urn and Danny thinks there must be some kind of mistake. The man tells them that Carmen left a memorial guide with these instructions. Danny gets upset and wants to know why he wasn't contacted before this happened. Meanwhile, Jesse and Drew decide to go see Danny and Michelle. They think that everything is going to be all right with Danny joining Millennium now that Carmen is gone. David tells Ruth that Carmen is dead. She thinks that she might be a suspect because Carmen used her and kidnapped her son. David tells her he won't let that happen and gives her his card. He explains that he isn't going anywhere now that this case came up. Jesse and Drew arrive at the funeral home and find Danny upset over his mother's cremation. Danny tells Michelle that no one understands that she thought he set her up to die. He says that he has to make this up to her and goes to find David. He asks Drew and Jesse to stay with Michelle. She tells them that Carlos made Danny an offer and she's afraid that if he takes it, they will never be able to get out. Jesse and Drew try to comfort her and offer to take her back to the loft. She says that she is going to go home and wait for Danny so they leave. Danny goes to Towers and finds David. David says that the Feds would move faster if Danny gave them some inspiration and turned on the families himself. He says to let him know his decision and leaves. Danny calls Carlos and tells him to meet him. Michelle has stomach cramps and tries to call Danny but he left his cell phone on the bar. She calls Claire and asks her to meet her at the hospital. Danny tells Carlos he's going to take him up on his offer.
Susan tells Jim that she is disappointed that she is not the one that would help Lizzie. Jim tells her that the baby is a perfect match and they are both very happy. Lizzie comes back from tests and has a baseball glove for the baby. Jim gets a message that Noah was looking for him and he goes to find him. Phillip tells Harley and Rick that Noah recommends they induce Beth's baby to save Lizzie. Rick questions him and Beth realizes that she has to risk one child to save another. Noah tries to reassure Beth that the risks are minimal and Phillip is all for it. Noah tells Beth that it is her decision. Rick talks to Beth alone about it and tells her that there are no guarantees. Rick tells her to trust Noah because he is an excellent doctor. Harley tells Phillip to go help Beth and Rick tells Harley that Beth needs to do this. Phillip tells Beth that he can't make this decision for her and she asks him what he would do. He asks her what choice they have and she says that she is afraid. She decides to do this and she tells Noah that she does want to go ahead. Everyone tells her that they will be there for her and Noah says that he needs the father's consent. Jim arrives and Beth takes him aside to talk alone. Phillip is sure that Jim will make the right decision and Harley reminds him that Jim is worried about the baby too. Rick tells them that there are no guarantees and Noah says that he won't be far when they get a decision. Harley sends Susan to Company to get something to eat while they all talk to Lizzie. Lizzie shows Phillip the glove that she got for the baby and says that she can't wait until he is born. Beth tells Jim that Lizzie is getting worse and needs the baby's bone marrow now. She begs him to agree to take the baby early. Jim wants to think about it but she says that he doesn't have time. He thinks about everything that could go wrong with the baby and he says that he can't do it. Beth is crushed.
Monday, June 12
Blake and Ross run into Billy outside of Company. He is very dressed up and Blake tells him that Holly was impressed with his knowledge of opera. Blake and Ross go inside and Holly arrives to meet Billy and they talk about the symphony. She starts asking his opinions on some of the music and figures out he doesn't know anything about it. Billy admits he just wanted to spend some time with her. Holly asks what kind of music he likes and they talk about country music. They agree to skip the symphony and go to a western concert instead.
Reva tells Buzz what happened with Rob. She tells him that she believes now that love will always win out in the end. She and Marah tell Blake, Ross, Richard, Cassie and Buzz about their scheme. Ross offers his help and Richard shows him the papers that Rob signed to make sure they are in order. Blake wants to use this in her new book and Ross tells them all that the papers were legit. Cassie and Richard talk to Tammy about what happened with Rob. Tammy tells everyone that all of San Cristobel will be at the wedding and she invites everyone to come. Tammy falls asleep on Richard and he suggests that they get her home. Max arrives at Company to meet Susan and she tells him about Tammy. She explains that things got tense at the hospital and she left. Noah arrives and Reva invites him to join them. He says that he is waiting on Jim to save Lizzie and he says that he doesn't think that Jim will make the right decision. They talk about it and Susan overhears them. She can't believe that he dad wouldn't do anything to hurt Lizzie. Reva tells her that Jim loves that unborn baby too. Cassie tells Reva goodbye and asks Noah how Lizzie is doing. He suggests that she calls Harley and she thanks Reva again for her help with Rob. Cassie, Richard and Tammy leave. Max offers his help to Susan and apologizes for the night that he messed up. She tells him that she feels useless and Reva hears them. She tells them that this is something that the adults should handle. Susan asks Noah what will happen if they don't use the baby and Noah thinks that they shouldn't second-guess Jim just yet.
Michelle tries to call Danny's phone but doesn't get him. Claire meets her at the hospital and agrees to help her find Danny. Michelle tells her that she's been spotting and cramping and Claire seems worried. Michelle thanks her for being there and takes Michelle's cell phone to try to call Danny. Carlos asks Danny what changed his mind about the help and tells him that the terms of the deal have changed. Carlos tells him that people are looking for someone to blame and finding Danny. Carlos suggests that he needs some supervision and that they should fold their operations into one. He tells him that he expects an answer in 24 hours and leaves. Jesse arrives and tells him that if he joins the mob again then he can kiss his marriage goodbye. Danny tells him that he is lying to Carlos to keep Michelle safe right now. Jesse asks him what is more important between avenging Carmen's death or protecting Michelle. Danny says he won't forget that his mother was gunned down and Jesse says that Carmen got what she deserved. Danny gets upset and tells him to butt out but Jesse says that he is doing what is Michelle's biggest nightmare. Jesse leaves and Danny calls Michelle's cell phone. Claire answers and tells him to meet them at home. Claire gets Michelle ready to go home and she says that she needs to be with her husband. At home, Claire suggests that she go over to her apartment to rest. Danny arrives and tells Claire that Michelle is fine at home with her husband. Danny asks her to leave and Michelle thanks Claire for everything that she did today and she leaves. Michelle asks Danny where he was all day and he says that he ran into Jesse at Towers. She tells him that she just got back from the hospital and that she lost the baby today. She breaks down telling him how scared she was and couldn't find him.
Beth tries to tell Jim that Lizzie needs the bone marrow immediately. She says that the risk to the baby would be minimal. Jim doesn't want to risk his child's life for Phillip's even though he does love Lizzie too. Beth can't believe Jim thinks Lizzie means more to her than the baby because Phillip is her father. Harley tells Lizzie that Phillip is gathering an army together to fight the dragons. Lizzie says that Phillip is good at giving orders. Harley tells her a story as Beth and nurse walk in to take Lizzie for more tests. Beth tells Harley and Rick that Jim doesn't want to risk the baby's life. She hopes that Phillip can convince him. Outside, Jim asks Rick and Noah for the opinions on the procedure. They agree that the risk to the baby is minimal. He asks about side effects for the baby and Noah tries to tell him that Lizzie needs the operation within the next 24 hours. He says that she can't survive a second operation if the first one using Edmund's bone marrow doesn't work. Jim thinks they should be focused on finding another donor. Phillip asks to speak to him alone but Rick doesn't think its a good idea. Beth tries to explain Jim's point of view to Phillip. She says that this is his first biological child and that he's overwhelmed with all of this information. She reminds him how he felt when Lizzie was born and Phillip agrees to keep it calm. He tries to tell Jim that babies are stronger than he thinks but Jim says he could never forgive himself if something happened to the baby or Beth. They leave Phillip and Jim to talk alone. Phillip wants to keep the conversation about the kids and not make it personal. The nurse brings Lizzie out and has to go get her horse. Lizzie asks Phillip if he's getting the army together and he says yes. She tells him she really needs them now and he promises that everything will be okay. The nurse comes back and takes Lizzie away and Phillip announces that he's calling Noah to induce labor. Jim says that this is his child and he calls the shots now. Phillip tells him not to use that arguement with him. Jim wants them to either find another donor or wait until the baby is born naturally because he isn't risking his child's life. Phillip screams that Beth's baby is not Jim's child, it's his.
Tuesday, June 13
Claire catches Abby as she arrives home and stops her from interrupting Michelle and Danny. Abby is suspicious of her and she tells Abby that Michelle lost the baby today. Claire tells her that Rick doesn't know and that she was the one that was there for Michelle today. Abby is very upset for them and Claire points out that their whole relationship has been filled with heartache. Claire tells her that Danny should have been there for Michelle today and suggests that Danny is the reason that she lost the baby. Abby disagrees but Claire wants Abby to help her get Michelle away from Danny. Abby tells Claire that she doesn't have a clue about Michelle and Danny’s relationship. Claire thinks that Danny might get violent with Michelle but Abby doesn't trust Claire’s motives. Abby thinks that Claire is trying to weasel herself into the family and she believes that Claire just wants to be a part of the bauer family. Abby tells her that if she really loved Michelle then she wouldn't try to break up her marriage. Claire thinks that Danny is too self-absorbed to be with Michelle but Abby tells Claire that she is the one that is self-absorbed. Abby says that she is going to discuss this with Rick and she tells Claire to stay away from Danny and Michelle. She leaves and Claire says that she doesn't take orders from anybody. Meanwhile, Michelle tells Danny that she lost the baby. He asks how she is and why she didn't tell him she was having pain. She says that it didn't get bad until Carmen was shot. He asks how it was to have Claire with her today and he wishes he had been with her. She feels like none of the dreams that she has for them are going to come true. Danny says that they can try again but Michelle doesn't want to think about that. Michelle thinks that this was all a sign that things are never going to turn out right for them but Danny doesn't. He says that this will make them stronger but Michelle thinks that they were in too much stress with Carmen’s murder. Danny realizes what he has to do, calls Carlos, and refuses to work with him. He gives Carlos the business and Michelle is shocked. She is very happy that he did that and Danny says that she is the most important thing in his life. They hold each other and Claire watches through the window. Danny promises her that everything will be OK and Claire leaves.
Harley tells Beth she thinks this baby was meant to save Lizzie and Beth agrees. Rick wants to go check on Phillip and Jim but Beth wants to give Phillip enough time to convince Jim. Harley wonders what will happen if Jim doesn't agree to induce labor. She wants to keep her spirits up for Lizzie so she and Rick go to Company to think of ways they can do that. Rick admits that he's afraid for Lizzie. Harley says that this has made her appreciate her husband and her two healthy children. She tells him that after the plane crash, Phillip was very distant. She says that he opened up to Beth and Rick tells her that a bond had to have formed from their experience. She says she worried that something might happen with Phillip and Beth after the crash but she believes she and Phillip are much closer now. Rick tries to get her mind off the plane crash and back on Lizzie. They agree to rent funny movies to help cheer Lizzie up. Rick goes back to the hospital to check on everything. Abby finds Rick at the hospital and he says that he is busy. She tells him that Michelle had a miscarriage and he is devastated. She tells him that Claire was with her and she is trying to make Danny look like the villain in all this. Rick says that he will take care of Claire.
Jim believes Phillip would say anything to save Lizzie. Phillip tells him that he really is the father of Beth's baby and it isn't Jim's decision to make. Beth arrives and can't believe Phillip told Jim. Phillip asks her to tell him the truth but Beth tells Jim that Phillip doesn't know what he's saying. She begs Jim to agree to induce labor. Jim realizes that it's true and can't believe Beth lied to him all this time. Beth tells him that she loves him and wants a life with him. He feels foolish because she made him believe that it was his baby. Noah interrupts them as Jim walks out. Phillip tells him to go ahead with the plan and Beth agrees. Noah says that he has to have the consent of both parents and Phillip says he just got it. Noah can't believe Phillip is the father and didn't tell him. Phillip says that he still would have to do the same tests to see if it was a perfect match. Beth finds Jim and tries to reach out to him. She tries to explain what happened but he gets upset. Noah comes in and tells her she will have the baby tomorrow. Beth asks Jim not to make her go through this alone. Phillip goes to Company and sees Harley through the window. He can't go in and she comes outside and finds him. She asks him if something is wrong and he says there is something he has to tell her.
Wednesday, June 14
At the farm, Cassie worries if Tammy is OK. Richard reassures her that everything will be fine now that Rob is gone. Cassie worries how to tell Tammy why Reva won’t be at the wedding and suggests to Richard that they just elope. He thinks she is joking but she says that she is serious. He asks her why and he realizes that she is afraid that someone will stop their dream from coming true. She reminds him of everything that has threatened to break them up and says that she isn’t princess material. He tells her that there is an actual formula for “princess material” and she fits it. He tells her that it is good that they have already had such bad luck before the wedding because now they won’t have any after. Clifford from San Cristobel arrives with a briefcase and questions about the wedding for the press. Cassie doesn’t want him to open the briefcase and tells Richard things that could catch up with her like her not returning library books and never serving for jury duty. Clifford shows them the model for the wedding site and Cassie is speechless. They are very happy.
Ross reminds Reva that they were supposed to meet this morning to talk about the divorce. She is sorry that she forgot and he points out that this is the furthest thing from her mind. He thinks that she doesn’t want to go through with the divorce and Josh arrives. He doesn’t notice them there and Reva tells Ross how strange it is that you need a priest to get married but only a lawyer to get divorced. She wonders if it is ever really undone and Ross says that just proves to him that they aren’t ready for this. He tells her how difficult it will be for them and the children and Noah arrives. Ross introduces himself to Noah and tells him that he is Lizzie’s great-uncle. Noah is confused and Ross thanks him with his work with Lizzie. Ross tells Reva to really think about what she is going to do and he leaves them alone. Reva asks Noah about Lizzie but Noah says that they are just waiting now. She has an idea of how to take his mind off of it and they leave. Josh watches them leave together and Ross tells him that they have to talk. Ross says that Josh and Reva’s actions are saying that they don’t really want a divorce. Ross tells him that if he has a chance to preserve the bond between he and Reva that he shouldn’t take that lightly. He leaves and Josh looks at Olivia’s picture. Then he puts it away. Reva takes Noah to the beach by the lighthouse and tells him that she comes there to get away. He thanks her and tells her that he is optimistic about Lizzie but nervous about the transplant. Reva says that she has a surprise for Lizzie if she can pull it off. He asks her about the lighthouse and she tells him about the 60th anniversary ball and how everyone pulled together to make it work. He tells her that he collected lighthouses as a child and he kisses her. A policeman comes by and makes them leave the beach.
Outside Company, Harley asks Phillip if something is wrong with Lizzie or the baby and he says no. She believes that the baby is still a miracle but he says it isn't. She doesn't understand and he tells her that he's the father of Beth's baby. Harley doesn't understand what he's saying. He tries to explain what happened on the mountain. He says that they had given up hope and were making a video tape to say goodbye and started with the children. He says that it was too hard and they ended up holding on to each other. Phillip tells her that he doesn't know how it happened but it did. He says they just went a little crazy. Harley wants to know how long Phillip has known the baby was his and he tells her he knew since Beth found out she was pregnant. Harley can't believe he spent months with her and Zack telling them he loved them and didn't tell her this. Phillip says he wanted to tell her from the beginning but Beth was afraid. Harley gets angry and says not to tell her he lied to his wife because of Beth. Phillip takes the blame and Harley wants to know if he was going to let Jim raise his child just so he wouldn't have to tell her. She asks if Jim knows and realizes he must because Phillip wouldn't be telling her if he didn't. She wants to know what Phillip expects to happen now and he tells her he wants them to be together. She says that can't happen. She reminds him that everytime she sees the child she will be reminded of the truth. He says that what happened with Beth wasn't love but need and fear. Harley thinks it's sad that he thought he was going to die but says that she hoped in his last moments he would have been thinking of her. She wants to know who else knows and he admits that Edmund was blackmailing him with the video tape. He says that Rick and Lillian know too. She thinks Alan must be thrilled but he says he doesn't know. Harley slaps him and tells him she hates him for this. She wants him to go back to the hospital and be with his daughter. He tries to tell her that he loves her but she just wants him to go. Phillip walks away as Harley breaks down.
At the hospital, Beth tells Jim that nobody has to know about the baby because in her heart, he is the father. She leaves him alone to think and Susan arrives. She sees that something is wrong and doesn't want to be left out. Beth comes back and Susan tells her she knows about the baby. Before Beth can explain, Susan tells her that she knows the baby has to be taken early but everything will be all right. Susan goes inside to see Lizzie and Beth asks Jim why he didn't tell her. He says he couldn't find the words. Beth tells him that she still wants to be with him and raise the baby but it is his choice. Phillip arrives and tells Jim that Beth does love him. Lizzie knows something is going on and Susan tells her that the baby is who is going to make her feel better. Lizzie says she wanted to get Susan something for her birthday but hasn't felt good. Susan says she doesn't have to get her anything. Lizzie wants to go ahead and wish her a happy birthday because she doesn't know how she's going to feel tomorrow. Phillip comes in and Lizzie tells them she loves her family. Phillip says he does too. Susan and Beth go the chapel to pray for Lizzie. Phillip arrives and lights a candle for her too. Jim and Harley go to Lizzie's bedside and pray.
Thursday, June 15
Selena asks Ruth if she will be able to cover for her at Company while she's working on Reva's show. Ruth says that Charlie is catching up on his school work this summer so her days are free. Vicky and David arrive and Ruth tells Selena she thought she would be a suspect in Carmen's murder but David assured her she wouldn't. She says she feels safer when he's around. David tells Vicky he can't go away with her this weekend because of the Santos investigation. Ruth comes to take their order and tells them that breakfast will be on the house since he's giving up his weekend for her. Vicky wants to know why Ruth knew he was canceling their trip before she did and he explains that he just ran into her. He goes to make a call and Ruth comes back with coffee. Selena overhears Vicky tell Ruth that David feels sorry for her and that's why he's helping her. Ruth walks away and Selena tells Vicky she did a nice job of putting Ruth in her place. Vicky doesn't know what she means and Selena tells her that David really likes Ruth and she can't handle that. David comes back and Selena stops him from going back to Vicky before she can talk to him. She tells him that Buzz has been feeling left out lately and suggests the guys have a night out tomorrow. He agrees and goes back to Vicky. Selena asks Ruth what she's doing tomorrow night.
At the farm, Blake and Cassie talk about wedding plans while Harley is deciding whether or not she can go inside. They see her on the porch and bring her in. They see that something is wrong and ask about Lizzie but she tells them she is fine for now. Cassie asks Blake and Harley to be bridesmaids at her wedding. When she mentions that Richard likes Phillip, Harley tells them that if he's going to be there she won't go. They ask what happened and she admits that Phillip slept with Beth and she's carrying his child. She says she is angry but doesn't know what to do. Blake says she has been on both sides of the situation and knows Phillip loves Harley not Beth. Cassie thinks that it's hard to forgive somebody for this kind of betrayal. Harley tells them that she has to go to the hospital and face them but she doesn't know how she's going to do it. She says that she fell in love with Lizzie because of Phillip and can't turn her back on that now. Cassie wants to take her to the hospital but she wants to go alone. Cassie says she'll follow her because she's going to be there to support her and Blake agrees. Cassie says she will cancel her trip to San Cristobel. Harley asks for a few minutes alone and takes out her cell phone.
Drew and Jesse offer Michelle their support in her loss. Michelle tells them that Danny is at his mother’s memorial today and Rick agrees that she should not go. She wants to go but Rick insists that she doesn’t. Claire arrives and offers to go with Michelle to the service. Drew and Jesse offer to go to and Rick says that he has to go to the hospital to be with Lizzie. Rick wants to talk to Claire and confronts her about her talk with Abby. Phillip arrives to see Rick and Claire leaves. Phillip tells Rick that Harley knows everything and explains why he had to tell. He says that he doesn’t think she will be able to forgive this. Rick is shocked and Phillip thinks that if he had told Harley right away they could have dealt with it. Rick feels partly responsible but Phillip knows that this was his own decision. Rick assures him that Harley loves him and Phillip knows that he has to focus on Lizzie right now. Phillip says that he can’t regret making the baby with Beth because he will save Lizzie’s life. Rick thinks that Phillip is giving up on Harley and tells him that he is sure that they will work through this. Rick says that this will just take time after Lizzie is out of the woods. Phillip goes outside, sits alone, and looks at his cell phone.
Ray gets things ready at the house for the memorial and Bill and Pilar offer Danny their condolences on the baby. They tell Danny that Carlos called Bill’s looking for Pilar and leaving a threat for Danny. Danny hopes that they do come to the memorial today and Pilar is confused. Danny tells her that their mother might still be able to save them. Grandmother Santos arrives and Danny apologizes for not finding her in that home sooner. Ray tells her that Carmen felt very sorry for what she did to her and Pilar reminds her that this is a day for forgiveness. Pilar begs Danny to tell her what is going on with Carlos and Danny explains that Carlos wants him to take over the business. He assures her that he is taking care of everything. Michelle arrives and Danny tells her that she needs to leave. She refuses and Carlos and Theresa arrive. They greet Grandmother Santos and Michelle realizes why Danny wanted her to leave. Danny asks Carlos why he is there and Carlos tells him that it isn’t that easy to get out. Drew and Jesse ask Michelle when they can get together and talk about the club and Claire suggests that they go to the Bauer cabin. Claire offers to go too to have a doctor around but Michelle refuses. They take their seats and Claire calls the hospital to arrange for some time off. Ray begins the memorial and asks Danny to speak. Danny talks about how he loved his mother even though he hated the life that she chose to lead. Ray gives him a letter that Carmen wrote to him and Pilar just before she died. Danny reads the letter aloud and it says that she made a sealed statement that can put away her associates. It says that if any harm comes to any member of her family then the statement will be made public. Everyone is shocked and Danny says that he is very grateful to his mother and can feel her presence in the room. Danny thanks Carlos and Theresa for coming and Carlos says that it looks like Danny has won this battle. Theresa gets upset but Carlos tells her to be quiet and they leave. Michelle is so happy that they can get on with their lives and Danny goes to speak to Ray. Danny tells Ray that no one needs to know the truth and he tears up the blank piece of paper. Drew and Jesse congratulate Michelle on her victory and Michelle remembers Carmen’s dying promise to watch over them.
Friday, June 16
Danny assures Michelle that Carmen doesn't have a hold over them anymore. She goes to get undressed and a package arrives for her. Danny remembers ordering it and it is full of baby stuff. Danny looks at all of the things and Michelle returns. She sees the package and he apologizes for not canceling the delivery. She understands and tells him that this shows her how much he loved this child. She asks him what he dreamed about their baby but Danny doesn't want to talk about it. She thinks it is good to talk about and he admits that he wanted a little girl. She tells him that he will make a wonderful dad someday and they have to say goodbye to this baby first. Danny goes to take a shower and Michelle falls asleep. She dreams that Carmen walks in the kitchen holding the baby. Carmen tells her that she is taking care of the baby now and will be taking care of it forever. Michelle wakes up and screams no. Danny comes running to her and she tells him that she had a bad dream but says that she doesn't remember what it was. He holds her.
Josh meets Jim at company and Jim turns in his resignation. He tells Josh that he is leaving Springfield and that Beth is having the baby today. Josh wants to know why he isn't at the hospital with Beth and Jim explains that he and Beth broke up because she is having Phillip’s baby. Josh is shocked and offers to listen if Jim wants to talk. Josh tells him that he can't quit his job because he is not leaving. Jim gets upset but Josh tells him to just sit down and talk. Josh asks about Susan and Jim tells her that he hasn't talked to her yet. Josh thinks he should think about that and explains that he found out that Reva had a child with his brother. He says that if he had left then he would have never forgiven either one of them but he would have regretted that forever. Jim admits that he still loves Beth and Josh tells him that Beth and those two kids need him right now.
Noah gives Beth the consent form to sign and she signs. Reva arrives and tells Noah that she has a surprise for Lizzie. Lillian warns Beth not to count on Jim to show up. Beth understands and says that her kids need her right now. On the way to Lizzie’s room, Beth runs into Harley. Harley coldly asks how Lizzie is this morning and tells Beth to go be with her child and walks off. Phillip and Rick sit with Lizzie. She wants to know where Harley is and can tell that something is wrong. Rick assures her that Harley will be there because she promised. Phillip tells her about the procedure and Lizzie asks for Beth. Beth arrives and tells Rick that Harley is outside. Beth tells Lizzie that she wishes that she could be there with her all day but can’t because she has to go have the baby. Lizzie asks what happens if it doesn’t work and Reva arrives. She tells Lizzie that she has a surprise for her and it is a lady that received cord blood from her baby sister. Anissa comes in and tells Lizzie that it may take a while but that she will feel better. She shows Lizzie a picture of her little sister and she is Lizzie’s age now. Phillip thanks Reva for finding Anissa and thanks Anissa for coming there. She leaves and Lizzie feels better. Noah tells Beth that it is time and she leaves to have the baby. Lizzie promises her that all of them will be OK. Outside, Phillip tells Beth that he is sorry that Jim isn’t there. He wishes that he could be there for her and Lizzie at the same time. Beth understands that he needs to be there for Lizzie and she leaves. Reva arrives at company and sees Josh. He sees her and she asks if he has seen Selena here. He explains that she went home with Buzz for lunch. Reva nearly leaves and Josh stops her. He asks her if she would like to join him for a bite to eat. They remember that they don't like to eat alone and she agrees. He suggests they go to Towers and she follows him out.
Rick goes out to Harley and apologizes for betraying her. Harley gets upset and tells him that she feels like punching his lights out. He tries to make excuses for Phillip but she says that there aren’t any. Rick says that he understands her pain and Harley tells him that she knew something was wrong. She tells him that Lizzie is the only reason that she is there and that if she never sees him of Phillip again it would be too soon. She turns and sees Phillip. He thanks her for being there for Lizzie and tells her that Lizzie is not very responsive but has been asking for her today. Harley goes into see Lizzie and Lizzie is very happy to see her. Harley gives her a diary to write down everything in her new life after she gets well. Lizzie says that she wants her old life with her mom, Jim, Susan, the new baby, her dad, Harley, Zack, grandpa Alan and grandma Lillian. She asks Harley to be there when she gets back and Harley agrees. Rick and Phillip hear everything that Lizzie says. Noah gets Beth ready and leaves to check on Dr. Sedgwick. Beth talks to Lillian about sins of the parents and Lillian tells her that she is doing everything that her children needs. Beth tells her how excited Jim was about having this baby and how bad she feels for deceiving him. She says that she understands why he can’t be there with them. Lillian goes to get the doctors and Beth remembers her wedding to Jim. Jim arrives. He tells Beth that he just came by to check on her but that he can't stay even though he'd like to. He tells her that it would be wrong to stay there and act like nothing is wrong and she realizes that he means that there is no hope. He doesn’t want to discuss it right now and she says that she'll be fine. As he leaves, she has a sharp pain. Her water breaks and she explains that they haven't given her the drug yet.
Monday, June 19
At Company, Frank and Buzz talk about Eleni's behavior in LA. Frank can't believe she isn't even thinking about coming home. Buzz says it's time to think about visitation arrangements but Frank doesn't want to hear it. Meanwhile, Ross tells Blake he can't believe Phillip was going to let Jim raise his child after everything Alan put him through. Buzz comes over to see if they need anything and Ross notices he is distracted. Buzz tells him it's a family problem and Blake assumes he's talking about Harley. Buzz says he meant Frank and Eleni and wants to know what happened with Harley. Blake tells Frank and Buzz that Phillip is the father of Beth's child and they go to comfort Harley at the hospital.
Cassie tells Richard that Harley loves Phillip the way she loves him. She says that very few people find their soulmates and Harley had found hers. Richard tries to comfort her and says that sometimes you really don't know people while looking at Edmund. Cassie goes to find Harley and Richard overhears Lillian thanking Edmund for volunteering to be a donor. Richard tells him it was a nice thing to do. Edmund doesn't know about that but says that he is very fond of Lizzie and Beth. Richard asks if he has feelings for her and he admits that he enjoys spending time with her. Edmund tells him that for the first time in a long time, he felt like he belonged. He says that he can remember a time when he didn't resent Richard and only cared about beating him in polo. Richard remembers that too and Edmund says that he has always had bad timing. He was born second in line for the throne and now he's met a woman who is married and expecting a child. He tells Richard that he can't change overnight but maybe there is hope for him after all.
Harley tells Lizzie that she is an angel and is going to be okay. Noah and Rick tell Phillip and Harley that she is having respiratory problems and there could be a complication with her heart. Noah goes to check on Beth while Harley watches Phillip look at Lizzie. Beth tells Jim that she is in labor and needs a doctor. Lillian and Margaret arrive and Jim doesn't know whether to stay or go. Margaret tells him that he's the father and he has work to do. Noah arrives and is happy to learn that Beth is in labor because Lizzie is running out of time. Meanwhile, Harley tells Cassie that this is the hardest thing she's ever had to do. Frank and Buzz arrive and want to take her home but she tells them she has to stay for Lizzie. Frank wants to go after her but Cassie and Buzz stop him. Blake and Ross arrive and see them standing there and Blake feels guilty for telling. Ross says he could just as easily have said something. Blake gets upset and goes to the chapel. Ross follows and thinks there's something more going on. She admits that this could be one of their children. She feels bad for all the bad decisions she's made and caused them to lose so much time. She wants to make everything right and tells him she wants them to be married again. Ross says he understands but nothing has really been resolved between them because they have been so busy. He tells her that there was a time he believed they could overcome anything and he wants to feel that way again. He asks her to take his hand and promise that they are going to take this one step at a time.
Beth is concerned that there is something wrong with the baby but Lillian tells her everything is find. Jim helps her through the delivery and she has a healthy baby boy. Meanwhile, Alan sneaks in to see Lizzie and tells her he can't run Spaulding without her. He reminds her of all the stocks she helped him buy but she asks if they can hold their meeting later. He agrees and goes outside. Vicky asks him if he's okay and he tells her that it's ironic that he can run companies all over the world but is helpless when it comes to helping the one person he loves more than anything. Alan runs into Lillian and she tells him she hopes the baby can save Lizzie. She leaves and Alan sees Beth's chart. He tells Lillian he knows the truth about the baby she says they just need to hope that their grandson can save their granddaughter. Meanwhile, Harley brings Susan and Max to see Lizzie. They play a game where they reveal the best thing they waited for was. Susan says it was her first kiss and Max says it was waiting for Drew to adopt him. Lizzie tells them that hers is waiting for her hair to stop falling out. Phillip has to excuse himself and Harley starts to go after him. Susan asks what hers would be and Lizzie tells them it was waiting for her daddy. Harley sees Phillip watching Beth and Jim with the new baby. She runs into Rick as she is running away and he goes after her. Jim holds the baby and tells Beth he never thought anything could be this tiny. Harley goes outside the hospital and asks how Phillip could do this. Rick comes out there and Harley tells him that she is losing her family. Rick tells her that Phillip loves her but she doesn't want to hear it. She thinks that he of all people should know how she feels. She tells him it hurts too bad and he holds her. Meanwhile, everyone waits outside as Phillip tells Lizzie to hold on. He says that after this is over he's going to take her to the beach. She sqeezes his hand and Noah arrives saying they are ready. Phillip asks him to hurry and suddenly Lizzie lets go. Phillip says she isn't responding and Noah calls for a crash cart.
Tuesday, June 20
Josh and Reva arrive at Towers after a detour to the new office. Reva tells him she thought it looked good. They talk about the way HB and Billy used to do business. The waiter comes for their order but they haven't even looked at the menu because they were busy catching up. They talk about the kids and Josh thinks that Shayne might have a girlfriend. Reva is happy that he can talk to Josh because some kids don't have good relationships with their parents. Josh thinks they have done a good job with the kids but she thinks they are hopeless. Josh tells her they aren't and they toast to the kids and the fact that their parents aren't hopeless. Josh tells Reva he was thinking of offering Shayne a summer job at the office and she had the same thought for Marah at the station. As they are leaving, she tells him she's glad he asked her to dinner. She says she's going to go by the hospital to check on Lizzie. Josh asks her to keep an eye on Jim so he doesn't get lost in the crowd. Reva tells him that he's a nice guy. The waiter brings her a message for Noah and Josh asks if everything is okay. She says that it is and he leaves. Reva looks at the message that says it's time for Noah's ladyfriend to know about the other woman in his life. Meanwhile, Noah gets another mysterious call.
Harley tells Rick that Phillip lied for months and would have continued if it weren't for Lizzie's situation. She thinks they can't get over that. Rick wants to take her home but she wants to stay for Lizzie. He says that she won't do Lizzie any good by falling apart and she assures him that she'll wait until she's alone to do that. Inside, Phillip tells Noah that Lizzie has stopped breathing. Noah checks her and she starts back. Noah tells him that she's receiving the good cells now and they need to worry about her rejecting them. Phillip wants to know what happens if she does and Noah says they need to hope. Phillip realizes that they may not have anymore options if this doesn't work. Lillian arrives and wants to speak to Phillip outside. She tells him that Alan knows the truth and is upset about Jim raising his grandson. Harley asks him how Lizzie is and he updates her on the situation. He says that he's been so concerned about finding a donor for her that he didn't think about what would happen if the operation didn't work. Harley assures him he did everything he could and not to beat himself up over that. He thinks there are plenty of other things he can do that for and she goes in to see Lizzie. Alan comes but Phillip tells him he doesn't want to talk now. Alan says that everyone knows that Phillip is the father now and he has to rethink his options. Phillip thinks he's really concerned about the scandal it will cause for Spaulding. Alan says that if he allows Jim to raise his son, he will be just like him and he knows Phillip would hate that. Phillip says that all he can think about is his sick little girl and asks him to let it go for now. Meanwhile, Jim holds the baby and Beth asks him to tell her he can look at him and not love him. Jim says that this doesn't change anything between them. Susan and Max arrive and Susan holds the baby. Beth wants to go see Lizzie but Jim tells her she has to wait until the doctor says she can. Susan tells Jim that the baby looks like him and Jim gets upset. Susan apologizes for being a brat about the baby before because now that she's seen him she realizes that he is hers too. Lizzie has a dream that she is facing the dragon but can't find her white horse. She calls for her daddy and he tells her that she has to fight by herself. Lizzie is scared but finds her white horse and starts to stand up to him. Beth arrives and tells Lizzie that her brother is waiting to meet her. She tells the dragon that she isn't afraid and wants to live. Lizzie wakes up and says that she killed the dragon. Outside, a nurse brings Jim his gift for being a new father. Harley watches as Lillian brings the baby in and lays him beside Lizzie. She tells him that they killed the dragon.
Wednesday, June 21
Richard notices the wedding guest list is short and Dax tells him that some people are still upset over the stripping scandal. Edmund arrives wanting to talk to Richard. Dax leaves and Edmund tells Richard he needs his help. He says he wants to come home and asks Richard to revoke the exile order. He tells him that he's nobody in Springfield and even though he didn't rule San Cristobel, he was still prince. Richard reminds him that he didn't appreciate that. He says that he hurt Cassie in the worst possible way and that he has to protect her now. Edmund apologizes for what he did but Richard can't take the chance that he'll try to hurt her again. Dax comes back and Richard tells them he has a wedding to plan. Edmund realizes that he'll never get home as long as Cassie is against him.
Harley tries to keep busy at Cassie’s and her mind off of Phillip. She doesn’t want to talk to Phillip and tells Cassie that everybody knew but her. Cassie tells her that she needs to rest because she is in shock and Harley realizes everything that has changed because of this. Cassie tells her that she needs to slow down but Harley explains that everything is just spinning in her mind. Harley vows that she will get through this and never trust Phillip again. Harley says that she really thought that she was happy but knows that she should have never let her guard down. The phone rings and it is Phillip. Cassie tells him that Harley isn’t there but she’ll tell her that he called. Harley asks Cassie to look after Zach while she goes for a drive and Cassie agrees. Edmund arrives and Cassie thinks that it is Richard.
Buzz tells Selena he wants to help Harley and she tells him she invited some people over for dinner. Buzz wants to know who and she admits she invited David. Buzz asks if she included Vicky and Selena changes the subject. She finally tells him she asked Ruth to come too and Buzz gets upset. Selena tells him she'll cancel and breaks it to Ruth. David overhears and Ruth realizes what Selena was trying to do. Selena gets called away and Ruth says she thinks they were being set up. David tells her that he's living with Vicky and she says that she's not interested in him that way. They are glad they understand each other and sit down to have coffee. Ruth tells him that the only person she's seeing is her son. They talk about Charlie and how he wants to play baseball. She says that she signed him up for summer league but he has never played before. David agrees to help him out and Ruth asks if he's sure he wants to do that. He says yes and offers to walk her to her car. Buzz notices them leaving together and starts arguing with Selena again. He tells her that Harley and Frank didn't know Phillip and Eleni were seeing other people either. Harley comes in and wants to know why they are fighting and tells them that there needs to be one happy couple. Buzz and Selena apologize to each other.
Noah meets Reva at Company and she shows him the note. She asks him to tell her about it and he tries to charm his way out of explaining it. She points out that she really doesn’t know that much about him and asks him to stop changing the subject. She tells him that to just tell her what is going on and he says that the women around him just develop crushes on him. She wants to know what they are to one another and he says that they are attracted to each other. She wants to know more about him, like why he has never been in love before. He tries to avoid her questions but then tells her that he has had a lot of women in his life. He says that he always gets bored after a while with one woman and hasn’t found the “one.” She says that he still isn’t telling her anything and he invites her to dinner tonight. She agrees to have dinner with the kids tonight and he says that sounds good but wants to plan what will happen after dinner. Noah leaves and Selena asks Reva what is going on. Reva tells her that she is sure that there is more to Noah than meets the eye. Reva shows Selena the note and thinks that someone is out there watching them. Selena wonders why Noah would lie to her and thinks that Reva is just being paranoid. Reva agrees to give him the benefit of the doubt. Outside, Noah orders three dozen roses sent to the usual address signed with all my love always.
Michelle, Danny, Jesse and Drew go to the Bauer cabin. The guys joke about catching fish for dinner but Drew doesn’t like that idea. Michelle tells Danny that she never thought that she would feel hopeful again but now she does. Outside, Jesse asks Danny if he has heard from any of the other families since the funeral and Danny says that he has it taken care of. Danny tells him that his mother’s letter was a ticket to freedom. Michelle thanks Drew again for making this business deal with them and she says that it is good to get her mind off of Carmen. Drew tells her that it was because of Carmen that they are out of the business but Michelle tells her that Carmen isn’t out of her life by a long shot. She tells Drew about the dream and Drew is sure that was just because she is keeping all her feelings inside about Carmen’s shooting and the miscarriage. Drew makes a joke and makes Michelle feel better. Danny is glad to hear Michelle laughing. Michelle and Danny and Drew and Jesse dance to the radio and Drew and Jesse go outside. Michelle tells Danny that she feels better and realizes that she still has her family. He wants her to talk about the shooting but she doesn’t want to bring it up. She changes the subject and sends Danny outside to be a good host. Michelle looks into the mirror and sees Carmen standing behind her.
Thursday, June 22
Reva paints the ceiling and the kids arrive home. They ask her what is going on and she says that she wanted to have dinner with them tonight. Shayne realizes that this dinner would include Noah and he is not interested. Marah tells Reva that it is fine with them. Reva says that she doesn’t want to force Shayne and Marah tells him to stop being stubborn. He gets upset and Reva tells them that she and Josh are doing fine and had a nice dinner together last night. She explains that she has fun with Noah too and that she likes him. Shayne says that he still isn’t coming to dinner tonight. Reva tells Marah that there is nothing going on with Noah and Marah says that she is doing the best that she can with the situation. She says that she would rather have her dad there though. Marah explains that Josh has always been the constant in their lives, especially Shayne’s. Shayne brings in some food and gives Reva a hug. He says that he only came down because he was hungry. Meanwhile, Noah meets Richard at Towers and tells him that Lizzie is doing better but did come close to not making it. Richard asks him to be his best man at the wedding and Noah accepts. Richard tells him about his problems with the aristocrats in San Cristobel that do not approve of the wedding. Richard invites him to dinner tonight but Noah declines because of his plans with Reva. Noah points out how small Richard’s world is getting with him marrying his ex-wife’s sister. Richard asks Noah about his intentions with Reva and reminds him that he shouldn’t get too close to Reva. Noah tells him that he is out of line and that he won’t hurt Reva. He says that they are just having fun with no promises and Richard tells him that Reva has been through a lot lately. Richard says that he is just trying to protect Noah from himself. Richard reminds him that everyone in Reva’s life is moving on and tells him to be careful. They agree and Noah says that he won’t do anything to hurt Reva. Richard leaves and Noah remembers ordering the flowers and what Richard just told him. He calls Reva and tells her that something has come up and he can’t make it to dinner. She asks him over for tomorrow night and he makes excuses that he can’t and says that he will call her.
Edmund arrives at the farm to see Cassie. He says that he spoke with Richard earlier and needs to talk to her. He says that they discussed being real brothers again but there is one thing holding Richard back. She thinks he means the fact that he has betrayed Richard so many times but Edmund tells her she is that one thing. He wants her to persuade Richard to let him come home. She says no and he offers to help her have the fairy tale wedding she's dreamed of. He reminds her that the aristocracy of San Cristobel still hasn't accepted her. He says that before she came along, Richard was the people's prince and he handled everyone else. He offers to do that again for them. Cassie tells him that if he was allowed to come home, he would behave for a while but eventually get tired of being second. He admits that he's the same man he was but now has a different perspective. She isn't buying it and tells him they are done. He says they aren't and Richard arrives wanting to know what Edmund is doing there. Cassie tells Edmund to tell Richard why he's there and Edmund says that they both need him more than they know.
Vicky meets David at Company and he tells her how bad he feels for the Coopers. He says that they feel like family to him and invites her to dinner at the Country Club with his parents. He tells her how much his mother likes her and she can tell that he hates that. She tells him that she is there to talk to him about moving out. He is surprised and she explains that they need to talk about their future. He says that sounds good and she says that she is going to move back into the mansion while they decide. She says that this will give him a chance to miss her and that this is the best thing for both of them.
Buzz and Frank try to support Harley but she tells them she can handle Phillip. He knocks on the door and says he knows she's in there. Frank and Buzz tell him to leave but he says he can't do that. Harley agrees to speak with him in the hall. Frank doesn't like it. Harley tells him not to pressure her and he agrees. He says that it's not over for them and asks her to take some time to think. He doesn't want her to make a decision about anything right away. He says that it's not over for them because he knows their love is stronger than any mistake he could make. Harley agrees to give it time but says she won't be pressured by him. He tells her they need to talk about Zack and she agrees to meet him at Towers later tonight. She goes back inside and tells Buzz and Frank that she didn't cave. She says they do need to talk and although Frank agrees, he'd still like to punch Phillip's lights out. She thanks them for being there for her and Buzz tells her that she's stuck with them.
Beth reads a story to Lizzie so she will fall asleep. She sees Jim at the door and asks him if he wants to see the baby. He says no and she tells him she thought after seeing Jim with him things might have changed. Jim tells her he won't raise Phillip's son as his own. He says that the nurse told him that Beth was going to stay in the hospital with Lizzie and the baby. He says that when she comes home, he and Susan won't be there. He tells her he can't live in the Spaulding mansion now. She asks him what he will tell Susan and he says he will tell her the truth. Beth reminds him how important the baby and their family is to Susan. He asks her what she is going to tell Lizzie and realizes she doesn't plan on telling her the truth. Jim thinks that Lizzie will find out one way or another because people gossip at the hospital. Beth says that nobody has to know and they can raise the baby themselves. A nurse arrives and tells them that Lizzie is awake and asking for both of them. They go inside and Lizzie shows Jim a picture she drew of their family. She asks him to put it up where she can see it and he agrees to go buy a frame. Outside, he gives the picture to Beth and says he can't handle it. Beth tells him it's hard to throw it all away.
Friday, June 23
Richard finds Edmund at Cassie’s and Edmund tells them that they need him more than they think. He tells them about the aristocrats that are against the wedding and Cassie gets worried. Richard tries to explain that it is not that big of a deal and Edmund offers his help to fix the situation. Edmund explains that these people have never liked Richard anyway but that he can help reassure them. Edmund offers to make everything that he has done to undermine Richard public so that the wedding will be worry free. He suggests that he admits to everything that looked like Richard’s fault if Richard will allow him to come home. Richard wishes that he could trust Edmund and wants to know what Edmund has to gain from all this. He says that he will get to go home and that he misses his life in San Cristobel. He reminds them that they need him and he leaves. Cassie says that she had no idea about this and Richard has to admit that what Edmund said was true. She says that their marriage could be a handicap for him but he tells her not to say that. She wants their marriage to be a good thing for them and he tells her that it will be perfect. Cassie knows that it is a huge risk and Richard won’t do it unless she agrees. He thinks that they should do it and she reluctantly agrees. Edmund goes to Towers and has a drink. He tells the bartender that his future will depend on a decision that is being made as they speak.
Harley brings zack over to Rick’s to keep while she meets Phillip for dinner. Rick thinks that they are doing the right thing and she reminds him that she and Phillip are over for good and only talking about zack. She says that she can’t live with a husband that cheats on her and lies to her. She says that if Phillip tries to control this dinner it will just make things worse. Harley tells him things to do with zack but Rick just wants to have fun with him. Rick tells her that she is his friend too and that he wants what is best for everyone. He apologizes for hurting her and she says that tonight won’t change anything between her and Phillip. She leaves and heads over to Towers. Claire arrives with some of Rick’s mail and he questions her about the time that she took off at the hospital. He tells her not to push so hard with Michelle and she might get better results. She doesn’t want his advice but he tells her that she is going to blow the relationship completely. She tells him that she is not the same person that he remembers from the past and he admits that he is trying to look at the person that she is now. He says that he will back off and allow Michelle to make this decision for herself. Claire is surprised that Rick is going to back off and he tells her to never hurt his sister. Zack begins to cry and Rick goes to get his bottle. Claire arranges zack’s pillows around him and Rick screams at her to get away from him. Claire wants to know what is wrong with him and he tells her that his father told him that she tried to suffocate Michelle in her crib.
Michelle sees Carmen in the mirror again and Danny comes in and startles her. She tells him that she has been having dreams of Carmen and seeing her in the mirror. He asks her to tell him about this but she is reluctant. She tells him that she doesn’t want to go on about it because she knows what it is like to lose a mother. He says that he wants her to be honest with him so that she won’t have to go through this alone. They agree to talk to one another about this and Michelle says that she is missing Maureen right now. She tells him that Claire was really there for her when she lost the baby. She says that she feels like getting closer to Claire will disrespect her mother’s memory. He tells her that it is OK to get close to her and that he wants her to do what she wants. Outside, they joke about where Drew and Jesse might be and Danny is glad to hear her laugh. Michelle makes sure that Danny is OK with having Claire in her life and he says that maybe he is jealous of sharing her with anybody. He tells her not to expect them to become best friends but that he will try to get along with her.
Phillip arranges at Towers for the evening to be very low key. Harley arrives and sits down with him. She wants to talk about zack and he brings up a visitation plan for this period of time. She says that this isn’t temporary and offers him a couple days and every other weekend. She is not flexible and he wants to talk about it. She tells him that she is divorcing him and that the sooner the marriage is over the better. He can’t believe that she means that and says that this is not what she wants for her son. She says that she should have known that he would try to make her feel like the bad guy. He says that he is sorry about everything and she leaves the table. She returns and tells him that she wishes she could forget that she ever met him. She gets loud and asks him what he thought this would accomplish. She tells him that he has hurt her more than anybody has hurt her in her entire life. He asks what he can do to make this right and she tells him that he should have told her the truth from the beginning. She tells him that he cared more about Beth’s feelings then than about hers. Harley wonders why she came at all and Phillip begs her not to go. He tells her that she can’t leave him and she tells him to watch her.
Monday, June 26
Reva meets Noah outside his apartment and confronts him about canceling their dinner. She thought that they could be honest with each other but he evades her questions. She begins to leave but he stops her. They go inside and he says that he is not good to have in her life because of everything she has been through. She asks him who made him think like this and he tells her that he had a talk with Richard. Reva thinks that these decisions should be up to her and she calls him a wimp. They argue and he tells her that she just wants him to make Josh jealous but she denies it. He talks about all of the interruptions and bets that if he starts to kiss her then something will interrupt them. She agrees and they kiss. No one interrupts them and he lights some candles. They begin to get romantic.
Susan brings Lizzie a card that all of her classmates signed. Jim asks to speak to Beth outside and asks her why she picked Susan up from dance class when she knew he was going to. He thinks she did that so he wouldn't be able to talk to Susan about the baby and she admits that's true. He tells her that he wants to be the one to explain it because he knows how it feels to find out from someone else. Beth doesn't think anybody has to know anything but he reminds her that half the town already knows. Jim brings Susan outside and starts to explain what happened. He tells her that Beth and Phillip thought they were going to die on that mountain and reminds her how scared she was too. He tells her that Beth and Phillip made love and that the baby is Phillip's, not his. Susan can't believe he knew this and didn't tell her but he says he only found out recently himself. Susan tells him that Beth is a liar and that she hates her. She says that now she doesn't have a brother or a family. Jim tries to tell her that it wasn't all Beth's fault but she is too upset to listen. Beth overhears her say she hates her and tries to tell Susan that she's sorry. Susan doesn't want anything to do with her. Jim asks her to meet him at Towers later so they can talk and Susan walks away. Beth comments on how well he made her understand and Jim asks her how he could make Susan understand when he doesn't.
Michelle thinks that Danny doesn't trust Claire and he reminds her that she did give her up. Michelle reminds him that she had a career and that since she's come to town, she's really been trying. She says she wants to work on a relationship with her. Jesse and Drew come back and they all toast to their future. Meanwhile, Rick and Claire talk about why he reacted the way he did when she went near the baby. Rick tells her that Ed told him what happened when Claire tried to smother Michelle. Claire can't believe Ed told him and asks to tell her side of the story. She reminds him of the pressure of medical school and interning at the hospital and tells him how much harder it was because she was a woman. She says that Michelle had colic and that she would cry for hours at a time. She admits she just wanted to make her stop so she could get some sleep after pulling a double shift but swears she was going to put the pillow down when Ed walked in. Rick says okay but she wants him to understand. She asks him not to tell Michelle and they look up to find Abby standing there. She asks Rick to get some boxes of research for her for another lecture she's giving and he leaves. Claire tries to ask her about her speeches but Abby tells her she was right about her. She says she heard what she did and is going to tell Michelle. Claire doesn't think she knows anything about it because it's obvious she doesn't even want children. Michelle and Danny come home and ask what's going on. Abby says they were just getting to know each other better and Claire leaves. Jesse and Drew invite Michelle and Danny to come back to the loft and talk about their partnership. Michelle tells Danny to go because she wants to talk to Claire. Before she does, Abby tells her there's something she doesn't know about her. In her apartment, Claire talks to a friend from Washington and tells him she has the perfect person to work for him who doesn't mind relocating.
Phillip begs Harley to discuss her decision with him but she refuses. She leaves and he follows her. In the parking garage, Phillip tells Harley that she doesn’t want to do this and she agrees. He tells her that he made just this one mistake and that doesn’t erase all the good things in their life. He grabs her car keys and she gets very angry. Harley tells him that what they had was wonderful but that he blew it. She wants him to suffer for how much he hurt her after she trusted him. She tells him that she took care of him, Lizzie and Beth when Lizzie got sick and even cried for Beth. She thinks that they got a good laugh at her expense but he says that isn’t true. She tells him that nothing that he can say will make it better. He begs her to stay and fight for their marriage. She says that there is nothing left to fight for and tells him that the next time he wants to talk to her then to call her lawyer. Harley gets in her car but Phillip says that she is too upset to drive. She says that she is leaving him and speeds away.
Tuesday, June 27
Abby tries to warn Michelle about Claire and mentions something about when she was a baby. Rick and Claire come in and Rick stops Abby from saying more. He tells Michelle that he and Abby are going to give Claire a chance and they leave. Outside, Abby asks Rick why he is supporting Claire. Rick explains that Claire wasn’t responsible enough for a kid and Abby says that she isn’t ready yet herself right now but that he can’t understand that. Rick tells her not to make this about them because it is about Michelle and Claire. Abby thinks that Michelle should have all the facts but Rick thinks that they should stay out of it because maybe Claire has changed. Abby doesn’t think that Claire has changed at all. Michelle apologizes for not giving Claire a chance before but that she wants to change that now and get to know her better. Claire is very happy and Michelle reminds her that she will need space and time. Michelle asks what was going on with Abby and assures her that Abby is just protecting her. Michelle wants to start fresh and invites her to lunch sometime. Abby comes back inside and says that there is something really important that she needs to tell Michelle. Abby apologizes for overreacting earlier and promises to be there if she ever needs her. She asks to speak to Claire alone and Michelle thanks Rick for allowing her to make her own decision about Claire. Michelle says that she feels safe being around her family. Claire thanks Abby for not saying anything and Abby tells her that she won’t tell her secret unless she gives her reason to. She says that she is keeping her eye on Claire and Claire says under her breath that she won’t if she’s out of town.
Reva and Noah get romantic. He tells her that she has been driving him crazy for weeks now and she says that she feels like a teenager. Afterwards, Noah tells her not to think about the kids and only think about champagne. They have drinks and Noah has to go get some more champagne. His cell phone rings and Reva answers it. No one says anything and Noah returns. She tells him about it and he asks who it was. He jokes that it was one of the thousands of girls that is after him. He looks very worried.
Susan looks in at the babies and Beth sees her. Susan tells her to get away and save her breath but Beth tries to explain. Susan calls her a liar and Beth tells her that she was scared that she would lose her family. Susan tells her that Jim loved her and that baby but that Susan never liked her anyway. Susan tells her that she could never be like her mother. She says that Jim cried every night for her mother but that he won’t cry for her. Beth tries to get Susan to admit that they were becoming a family but she won’t. Susan tells her that it is over and that they are not a family. Beth tells her that nothing has to change but Susan says that everything has changed. Susan leaves and Beth looks in at a couple holding their baby.
After Harley speeds away from the parking garage, Jim arrives. He tells Phillip that he is not getting away from him this time and tells him how hard it was to tell Susan about this. Phillip tells him to go ahead and hit him but that it won’t do any good. They beat the hell out of one another and argue about the situation. Afterwards lying on the floor, Phillip tells Jim about Harley leaving him. Jim is not surprised and Phillip tells Jim that doesn’t have to happen to him because Beth wants to work through this with him. Phillip tells him that he would be a fool to walk away. Jim tells him that it is none of his business and Phillip calls him an idiot for not seeing that he has a wife that loves him. Phillip steps aside to himself and makes a phone call. Susan comes in and finds Jim. She helps him get in his truck.
Harley packs her things at Cassie’s and Frank arrives. She tells Frank about meeting with Phillip and how he tried to convince her not to leave him. Frank asks her where she is going and she says Las Vegas to get a quicky divorce. He stops her and tells her that she should talk about this. She tells him all the things that Phillip said about her still loving her and she admits that is true. She says that she will never let him see that. Frank asks if she has the strength to do this and tells her that she has her family and friends. Frank jokes that he can beat Phillip up but Harley asks for a job on the force instead. Frank says that he can get it done and the phone rings. Frank answers it and tells Phillip that Harley isn’t there and he hangs up. Phillip comes over and bangs on the door. Frank opens it and Harley won’t see him and Frank shuts the door. Phillip and Harley stand back to back to the door and cry.
Wednesday, June 28
Beth finds Edmund with Lizzie. Lillian takes her to see a magician and Edmund asks her how she's doing. She admits that Jim left her after finding out that the baby was Phillip's. She tells him that it's because she lied to him and Edmund thinks his pride has been hurt but will come around. Beth doesn't know what will happen and Edmund tells her that she deserves better than this. He says that if he were her husband, he would support her and give her anything she wanted. She reminds him that Jim is her husband and that she loves him. He tries to convince her that he's better for her but she isn't interested. He gets a call from Richard accepting his offer but tells him he'll get back to him. Edmund tells Beth that Richard has agreed to let him come back to San Cristobel. After trying to convince her otherwise, Beth tells him that it's best that he does go back. Before leaving, he tells her that now that Phillip's marriage is over, he'll want to be part of the baby's life. He says that her troubles are just beginning and that his offer will still stand if she changes her mind and needs him. Later, Beth tells Lillian that she's concerned about what Phillip will do. Lillian tells her that Phillip trusts her and she will find a way to get through to him.
Cassie tells Richard that they received a telegram about the aristocracy boycotting their wedding. He tells her he's thinking of taking Edmund up on his offer and making him apologize on television. Cassie thinks they should postpone the wedding but he won't hear it. She believes that she's caused him nothing but trouble and he tells her that Edmund did that, not her. They talk about how happy they are going to be and she suggests he call Edmund. Richard calls him and is shocked when Edmund tells him he'll have to get back to him and hangs up. Later, Edmund arrives at the farm and accepts his terms. He tells them that he can leave today because there's nothing keeping him in Springfield.
Claire sees Abby getting the BBQ invitations ready and offers to help out. Abby says that everything has been taken care of. Claire tells her she knows that both Rick and Abby have busy schedules. Abby cuts to the chase and tells her that she isn't going to tell Michelle what Claire did to her when she was a baby. She says that Rick asked her to stay out of it and she's going to. Claire says that she didn't do anything to Michelle but Abby believes they'll never know what happened. Rick arrives to find them in an intense conversation. Claire leaves to have lunch with Michelle and thanks them both for the opportunity to let her get closer to her daughter. Abby tells Rick that Claire knows how to push her buttons. Meanwhile, Claire calls her friend and tells him to hurry up and offer the job to Abby before he loses his chance. She learns that he's already in Springfield so Claire believes that she has one down and one to go. Abby is concerned that the night Rick spent with Claire might still mean something to her. They talk about how much they've been fighting lately and both don't like it. Abby says that it started when she had her surgery. She admits that she doesn't want to end up lonely in twenty years like Claire is. She realizes that what's important to her is their love and she wants to create something beautiful from that. Rick asks her what she means and she tells him she wants to have a baby. Rick tells her she has just made him that happiest man in the world.
Michelle, Drew and Danny talk about their partnership at Millennium. Drew gets a call from New York for Jesse offering him the job. They celebrate and say how much they will miss each other. Claire arrives and asks to speak to Michelle alone after learning that Michelle and Danny will be taking over Millennium. She tells her how difficult it will be doing that along with her med school schedule. Michelle tells her that she's going to take a couple of semesters off. Claire doesn't think that's a good idea but Michelle says this is something she and Danny both want to do. Claire tells her to think about it because she will end up resenting Danny later on. Michelle goes back to the party and Claire says that she will make sure Michelle resents Danny. Meanwhile, Susan practices her dance steps and gets angry when she messes up. Max arrives to find her upset and she tells him that everything in her life is a joke. She tells him about the baby and how Beth lied to her and Jim. She thinks that everyone lies to her. Max assures her she can count on him and promises he isn't going anywhere. He gets a call from Drew asking them to come to Millennium. When they arrive, Drew tells him that Jesse got the job in New York and they are moving. Susan gets upset and thinking he knew all along and lied to her just like everyone else and runs out.
Thursday, June 29
Phillip meets Vicky at Millennium to discuss business but she brings up his son. He doesn’t want to discuss this with her but she says that she wants to be part of the family. Vicky thinks that he has forgotten how much it hurt when he found out that he wasn’t Alan’s real son and she says that they are a lot alike. She tells him how hard it was growing up as an outsider to the Spaulding family and she tells him that he shouldn’t push his son aside. Phillip assures her that he will know that he is Phillip’s son but that they need time. David and Lillian arrive and Lillian wants to talk to Phillip alone. She asks him to give Beth a chance to get her marriage to Jim to work by staying away from the baby. He tells her that he may lose Harley. Lillian tells Phillip that she loves him and she asks him to be there for Beth by letting her and Jim raise the baby. Vicky tells David that she wonders what Lillian is telling Phillip to do about the baby and David reminds her that this is none of her business. He tells her that the Spauldings have never been in her corner and she gets upset. She tells him that she is doing this to save the child. David tells her that they are going to slam the door in her face if she tries to get involved. She goes back over to Phillip and he asks her to drop the subject. He says that he is going to the hospital and she asks him which child he is going to see. He leaves without answering her.
Jim goes to see the baby and tells him that he deserves better than this. Harley arrives thinking she'd find him there. She asks him what he was trying to tell the baby but he doesn't know. They go outside and Harley tells Jim the baby is beautiful after seeing him for the first time. Jim doesn't know what to do because Beth wants to pretend nothing happened. He says he doesn't know how to do that and she doesn't either. She tells him she isn't going back to Phillip. Jim wonders how they got themselves in this position. He knew Beth had baggage going in but believed he could handle it. Harley says he sounds like her. They agree that everything is a mess right now. Harley suggests they talk about how they are going to tell Susan and Jim says that he already told her. He wanted to tell her before she found out from the wrong people and Harley understands. Jim says that Susan got really upset but is better now. He says that he explained how it wasn't really anybody's fault but now he has to make himself buy into it. Harley says she really needs to see Susan and Jim asks her to wait until her dance class is over. Harley agrees and says to herself that it's so hard to know what to do. They watch the baby and Harley says she'll pick Susan up after class. Jim says that sometimes he thinks it would be easy to think the baby was adopted but then he thinks about who the father is. Harley thinks he still loves Beth and he admits he does. She asks if he thinks they can work it out and he doesn't think he can live with all the lies. She doesn't think any of them can live with those and she leaves to pick up Susan. She tells him she has to stop by the house to pick up a few things and invites him to come with her. He wants to stay and Harley assures him that they are going to be okay. Jim goes back inside to be with the baby. The nurse asks Jim if he wants to hold his son but he says no. Jim leaves and Phillip arrives. He explains that he's the baby's godfather and she offers to let Phillip hold him.
Max follows Susan home but she just wants him to leave her alone. Max tries to tell her that he didn't know anything about moving to New York. She doesn't want to hear it and tells him he's no better than the rest of them. She reminds him that he told her he would be there for her but he lied too. She just wants him to leave but he won't go. She decides to have a party and turns up the stereo. She calls some boys and tells them to come over but Max takes the phone away from her. Susan gets a bottle of bourbon saying that he doesn't care about her. He admits that he knew Jesse entered a contest but he had no idea it would mean moving. He says that it's eating him up inside to leave her. She says it doesn't matter if he knew before or not because he's still moving so he should just go. He tells her he wants to be with her as long as he can but he has to go if Drew goes with Jesse. Susan doesn't understand and he reminds her that Drew is his only family and he can't leave her. Susan reminds him that he compared them to a couple in a movie and that the guy said he'd never leave the girl. Max says that they were adults who were living and sleeping together. Susan thinks she knows what he means. She thinks maybe if he had more of a reason to stay, he wouldn't leave. She says that if they were having sex there would be no way he would leave. He tries to tell her that's not what he meant but she takes off her sweater and starts kissing him. She pushes him down and says she knows this is what he wants. Harley walks in and wants to know what is going on.
Rick is very happy about Abby’s decision. Abby gets a call from Joe Morgan with a job offer and she says no but writes down a number to reach him at. She tells Rick about it and he is excited for her. She says that this job would take too much of her time now that they have decided to start a family. She is worried that something will come between them and he tells her that he just wants her to be happy. Rick wants to make sure that she doesn’t need more time before she has a baby but she says that she is ready. She says that she is tired of fighting with him but now they won’t have to. She wants to go upstairs and start trying right now but Rick remembers that he has to get back to the hospital. He goes to get his coat and she throws away Joe’s phone number. Abby decides to go to the hospital with Rick and they leave. Joe tells Claire that Abby said no to his offer and she is upset. He is going to give up but Claire insists that Abby is out of Springfield. He wants to know what Claire’s involvement is in all of this but she won’t tell him anything. She says that he needs to meet face-to-face with Abby but he says that he won’t have time. Rick and Abby arrive at the hospital and Rick goes to get to work. Joe runs into Abby and tells her that he flew in specifically to meet with her. He asks her to give him a chance to sell her on the job and she reluctantly agrees. Claire watches them talk. Abby apologizes to Joe for being so short with him on the phone and explains that she just decided to start a family with her husband. He tells her that wouldn’t be a problem and that they would match the child’s college tuition dollar-for-dollar. He tells her that she is the best candidate for the job and highly recommended. She asks who recommended her but he is evasive. She knows that there must be a downside to this job and he mentions that the job is in Washington. He tells her that she would have to move and Abby looks saddened. Claire stops Rick from seeing Abby with Joe by pretending to get lightheaded. He takes her to a room to see about her. He examines her and she tells him that she's fine and didn't have breakfast. Rick tells her that doctors make the worst patients and checks her pulse.
Friday, June 30
Noah tells Rick and Phillip that Lizzie can come home today. He says that the test results were better than he thought they'd be. Phillip thanks him for everything he's done but he says that it was a strong family that got her through it. Noah says that she is going to continue to need that and he leaves. Phillip tells Rick that Lizzie is going to need her family but it doesn't exist anymore. He says that Harley and Jim are only going to pretend for so long and he'll have to explain everything to her. Rick asks if he can save his marriage and Phillip says he doesn't know how. He says that everything has changed now. Rick is surprised to hear that he went to see the baby and tells him he has to be careful. Phillip reminds him that the secret is out now so there's no need to be careful. Rick tells him that the question is does he want to save his marriage. Later, Phillip asks him if it were his son, could he stay away. He says he knows it is a sore subject but asks him to follow him on this. Rick tells him that it may not be a sore subject anymore because Abby is ready to have a baby. Phillip congratulates him knowing how much it means to Rick. Rick gets a phone call from Abby asking him to come home to start a family right now. He leaves and tells Phillip to call Harley. Lizzie asks Phillip if the baby is coming home too. He says he has to stay for a little while longer and Lizzie worries that he's sick because he helped her. Phillip explains that he was born too early and it didn't have anything to do with her. Lizzie is relieved and tells him she feels like they are whole brother and sister because he saved her life. She says she just wants to be with him. Phillip tells her he knows exactly what she means.
Harley walks in on Susan trying to seduce Max and demands to know what is going on. Max tries to explain but Harley tells him he has to leave now. She says that she and Susan have a lot to talk about. He tries to tell her what happened but she says she will call Drew and tell him to come get him. Susan says that he's moving anyway so he should just go. Max leaves and Harley asks her what she was thinking. Susan tells her that Max is moving to New York with Drew and Jesse. Harley tells her she's sorry but Susan says she doesn't care because he was going to leave her eventually anyway. Harley doesn't understand and Susan tells her that she knows guys lie to you and break promises. She reminds Harley that she's been let down by every guy she's ever cared about. Harley doesn't think her life has anything to do with Susan. Susan says that she can learn from Harley and avoid all the pain. She says she's seen what happens when you open yourself up to a guy and let yourself love them. She thinks they abandon you. She asks Harley to think of all the pain she could have saved herself if she'd learned what Susan has. Harley tells her that it's true that she could have saved herself a lot of pain but she wouldn't have given up a minute of it. She says that all her relationships gave her something that made her life better. She says that Dylan was her first love and gave her Susan. She tells her that Phillip was important because he showed her she could love again after Mallet and gave her Zack. She says that all of those things were worth the pain. Susan tells her that she hates Phillip and Beth for what they've done. Harley tells her that she has her whole life ahead of her and not to give up on her dreams. She says that if she fights too hard not to feel any pain, she'll never be happy either. Susan says that if love is worth the pain she should forgive Phillip. Max knocks on the door and says that he doesn't want to leave things like this. Harley says that they've worked it out and suggests they talk out on the porch. The phone rings and Phillip leaves a message saying that he just wanted to say he loves and misses her. She rewinds it and listens to it again. Outside, Susan apologizes for her behavior before. Max tells her that there are plenty of girls out there for him if sex was all he wanted. He reminds her of everything they've been through together and says that she's special to him. He admits that he does think about sex but not now. Susan asks him if they're falling in love and he thinks maybe they are. They kiss and Harley closes the door.
Billy and Josh work on expansions plans for WSPR. Billy jokes that Josh could’ve been married to a star if he had waited long enough and tells him that he and Reva won’t work as friends. Josh sees some flowers for Reva and looks at the card thinking they are from fans. They are from Noah and it thanks her for last night. Billy tells Josh that he was warned about this but Josh says that he just didn’t want to know about it. Reva and Vanessa arrive and Vanessa tells Reva that Josh and Billy are going to work construction on WSPR. Reva sees the card in Josh’s hand and he is embarrassed. Vanessa and Billy leave them alone and Josh apologizes for reading the card. They agree that it is OK because they are just friends and Reva says that things couldn’t get anymore awkward. Josh says that they are about to just as Noah arrives. They all make small talk and Noah gets a cell phone call. It is about the party for Lizzie at the hospital and Reva brings up that Noah doesn’t have kids but sure thinks like them. She and Noah leave for lunch and Josh is hurt. Billy tells him that there is someone upstairs with a sense of humor. Reva and Noah kiss in the stairwell but she stops him because she is at work. He brings up that Josh and Olivia have been sleeping together for a long time and asks why things seem awkward. He tells her that Josh won’t let it go but Reva says that things aren’t that easy. She says that they should go on to lunch. Vanessa talks to Josh and Billy about the plans but Josh is distracted. Billy asks him if he wants to talk but Josh doesn’t. Billy tells him that he went through the same thing with Matt and Vanessa and that he just has to get over it. Josh tells him that he has moved on with Olivia so Reva should get the same chance. Noah’s phone rings and Josh answers it. He takes a message and tells Billy that he won’t believe who that was. Reva returns from lunch and Vanessa kids her about making out with Noah in the stairwell. Josh and Billy come in and Josh gives Reva Noah’s cell phone. Josh tells Reva that he doesn’t want to cause any problems and Reva tells him that she isn’t looking for anything with Noah. Josh asks if she likes being with him and if he treats her OK and Reva says yes. Josh says that it good enough for him then and Reva thanks him for his concern. Josh doesn’t tell her about the call on Noah’s phone and he and Billy leave. Billy asks him in the elevator why he didn’t mention the phone call to Reva. Josh asks him why if Noah is so straightforward then is his grown-up sounding daughter trying to track him down.
Cassie and Richard anxiously wait for Edmund to save their wedding. Edmund arrives and tells them that he is there to keep his promise. Richard takes him to finalize the details of the meeting and Cassie tells Jenny that she is worried that Edmund is going to double-cross them. Jenny offers to pose as Edmund’s girlfriend to keep an eye on him but Cassie wants her to stay away from him. Richard and Edmund return and Jenny tells Edmund that he’ll do great. The aristocrats arrive and Edmund speaks to them about their misgivings about Cassie. He tells them that he is the one to blame for the unrest in San Cristobel and that he has tried to undermine his brother. They refuse to listen but Edmund persists and tries to explain why Cassie had to dance like she did on the videotape. He tells them that the people of San Cristobel support the wedding and so should they. He publicly apologizes to Cassie and the aristocrats follow. They all leave Richard and Cassie alone and they are very happy. They both say that they have been waiting for this for their whole lives. Outside, Edmund asks Jenny how it went with Cassie. She tells him that Cassie went for it just like he said she would. Edmund is pleased and says that they are in then.